continous deployment - automated deployment, of a software which has been packaged, using techniques such as GitOps

Software Qualities
Software Architecture lives in quality, the hidden part which delights the customer
Continue reading Software Qualities
With distributed software delivery teams, the key to scaling, is empowerment.
Continue reading Self-Service
You platform is more than just using AWS or Azure, its your application and integration architecture realised.
Continue reading Platform
Architecture Decision Records
No more, i have no idea why we use this, lets understand really why we made that decision.
Continue reading Architecture Decision Records2022

Agile architecture is not just software and technology its how we work too
Continue reading Squads2020

Self-Cert Rotation with Istio
notes to setup Certs for a dev server (becuase i will forget this)
Continue reading Self-Cert Rotation with Istio
Remove the Prefix from an Route in Istio
this is common where the Istio will have some part of the route to identify which service, and will want to remove the identifier.
Continue reading Remove the Prefix from an Route in Istio
Istio Gateway in a different namspace to the VirtualService
our services will be deployed in a number of seperate namespaces, this is how you can do the routing
Continue reading Istio Gateway in a different namspace to the VirtualService
enabling Isio Secure Ingress on Rancher
simple extra config answer which is required
Continue reading enabling Isio Secure Ingress on Rancher
RabbitMQ - retries and deadletters
Ensuring messages are sent and handling errors is tricky
Continue reading RabbitMQ - retries and deadletters2019

EFK with .NET Core
.net core 3 - K8s with the EFK Stack
Continue reading EFK with .NET Core
tech radar
tech radars show how we can manage our technical platforms by mapping items in use against items of interest
Continue reading tech radar
.net core 3 - the new host.
.net core 3 - host now supports the port and adapter concept
Continue reading .net core 3 - the new host.
what a vue
an initial look at vue
Continue reading what a vue
TDD an IoC container - part 5 - Retrospective
using TDD to develop a simple IoC container.
Continue reading TDD an IoC container - part 5 - Retrospective
TDD an IoC container - part 4 - Tools
using TDD to develop a simple IoC container.
Continue reading TDD an IoC container - part 4 - Tools
TDD an IoC container - part 3 - Performance Refactor
using TDD to develop a simple IoC container.
Continue reading TDD an IoC container - part 3 - Performance Refactor2018

TDD an IoC container - part 2 - initial slice
using TDD to develop a simple IoC container.
Continue reading TDD an IoC container - part 2 - initial slice
TDD an IoC container - part 1 - primer
using TDD to develop a simple IoC container.
Continue reading TDD an IoC container - part 1 - primer2017

Poco, Pojo means no Mojo.
what does Pojo and Poco mean to you?
Continue reading Poco, Pojo means no Mojo.
Middleware - is the new AOP?
a popular way to provide extensions in todays frameworks, is middleware
Continue reading Middleware - is the new AOP?2016

use your own interface
coupling is something which impacts maintainability, interfaces are used to decouple, but they bring their own complexity.
Continue reading use your own interface
dotnet three project setup
dotnet services structure across multiple services for consistency
Continue reading dotnet three project setup
Microservices - part 3 - Service Location and Load Balancing
How do we route traffic to running instances of services?
Continue reading Microservices - part 3 - Service Location and Load Balancing2015

.Net and Docker
hosting dotnet in docker is really easy, lets look how.
Continue reading .Net and Docker
Microservices - part 2 - Api Gateway
Api Gateways, are great technology and technique to expose API’s of a platform, and encapsulate the complexity of the internal services
Continue reading Microservices - part 2 - Api Gateway
Microservices - part 1 - the boundary
We say services, what is the scope, how do they communicate?
Continue reading Microservices - part 1 - the boundary2014

Selenium and phantom
running selenium server locally in a way that should complement using
Continue reading Selenium and phantom
Deployment - lets do a little CI and CD
source -> continous integration -> continous deployment
Continue reading Deployment - lets do a little CI and CD2013

embedded views
we look at the core power of Nancy, and its MVC support
Continue reading embedded views
embedded views
enbedded views, a step to modules
Continue reading embedded views
Hosting Nancy with Topshelf
hello world using Nancy and topshelf
Continue reading Hosting Nancy with Topshelf
under the hood
how can we see what is happening under the hood
Continue reading under the hood