EFK with .NET Core

EFK with .NET Core

.net core 3 - K8s with the EFK Stack

Hosting services in Containers still requires us to log information, ideally in a central logging solution, thats where Elastic, FluendD and Kibana come to help out.

In this post we will have a look exporting logs from our .NET service.

tech radar

tech radar

tech radars show how we can manage our technical platforms by mapping items in use against items of interest

We can use a tech radar to show which technologies are of interest for use in our platform.

This post we look at a tech-radar for a .NET micro-services platform, of which is looking to migrate some of its technology.

The concept should be reuseable to other peoples/companies platforms.

what a vue

what a vue

an initial look at vue

An initial look into Vue.js, a popular MVVM UI framework, which seems to be going from strength to strength.

TDD an IoC container - part 3 - Performance Refactor

TDD an IoC container - part 3 - Performance Refactor

using TDD to develop a simple IoC container.

This post series looks into how I apply TDD in order to have confidence in what is developed.

In this post I wanted to jump to a fun subject of writing an IoC container, and that is performance. We will look into some refactoring which will improve our performance, and use our tests to ensure we still provide the required service.

Poco, Pojo means no Mojo.

Poco, Pojo means no Mojo.

what does Pojo and Poco mean to you?

Off the shelf frameworks are there to help you, however using them has a cost, aka Technical Debt, the cost of dependency.

To reduce this dependency we look for frameworks which promote Pojo’s/Poco’s. Some frameworks say they achieve this however they do not.


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