.net core 3 - the new host.

.net core 3 - host now supports the port and adapter concept
.NET core 3 has a few changes, one of interest is the Host, some may look at it and this that this is a small change.
However, to me, it has a large impact….
- the new host provides better support for ports and adapters.
- this is an answer for my question: WebHost as a IHostedService
- more info on upgrading: Migrate from ASP.NET Core 2.2 to 3.0
Im a fan of Hexagonal/Clean/Onion Architecture, if we look at the first one (hexagonal) also called Ports and Adapters, where the
- Ports are the exposed domain’s functionality, such as domain services or Commands and Queries.
- Adapters, adapt messages from external technologies to the ports, such as Web Controllers, AMQP Consumers etc
In Services and Micro-services some people forget that HTTP is an adapter which may OPTIONALLY be supported, we may have a service which interacts only with AMQP.
The HTTP should be just another Hosted (background) Service and made configurable like another other Adapter
Could this have been done in .NET 2.2
From an initial look around it seemed that the 2.2 WebHost
- did not run the HTTP webserver as a simple background service
- would instantiate the background services on its start.
It felt like there was a lot going on there.
Some people looked into running the WebHost in its own Background module before:
- Generic Host - .net core 2.2 - the team here move the
into a background service.
Its actually a pretty cool workaround, but….
Enter .Net Core 3
In .NET core 3 we can setup the application like so:
//.NET Core 3 (preview)
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
hang on, what did it look like
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
At first glance this looks like a minimal change and on the surface it is, you change IWebHostBuilder
to IHostBuilder
In addition we notice that we can easily enable and disable HTTP support by using the ConfigurableWebHost
, treating this adapter in a modular fashion like any other Adapter :)
This is great for me as I can configure my host is a consistent way.
the workaround can be removed in favor of this new way.
I also hope this helps other 3rd party HTTP frameworks an easier way to work with .NET Core moving forward.
ps. thanks to the .NET team for making this change.